In a season marked by upheaval and uncertainty, the Erie Tigers boys tennis team has emerged as a surprising contender for a spot in the 5A state tournament. The Tigers, who are no strangers to the challenges...
The Erie High school 2020 Fall sports season will look a little different this year due to COVID-19, student athletes, parents and coaches will be working together to adapt to this new schedule.
The Erie Tigers girls tennis team had a player make it to the 2019 State Championships this year! The tournament began on Friday, May 10th and took place in Pueblo for 4A Colorado women’s tennis. Julie...
Alex Mathis, Senior Staff Writer
• February 8, 2018
21 Club is a small group of senior and freshman athletes that meet once a week for 10 weeks to learn about how to be a leader. All the athletes are selected by their individual sports coaches with a goal...