The end of fall semester is right around the corner, and student government is as busy as ever with numerous school events coming up. The class is bustling with members, planning, posting, and organizing...
As the Erie students settle in for the 2nd semester of this school year, Student Government, also known as STUGO for short, is busily preparing for the numerous events they have planned for this spring.
Last year, during the late part of the second semester, the Erie High student government election was in full swing, with candidates campaigning, debates happening, and everyone deciding their votes. Now,...
Every other day at 1:18 the C201 classroom fills with members of Erie’s Student Government, ready to work hard to make Erie High School a better place for learning and socializing. The seniors in particular...
It is seen all over American politics that a body of representatives should accurately represent the people that elected them. This is why many presidents make it a point to ensure that they choose a diverse...
This March Erie High School will have its annual election for Student Government officials. The primary elections are over, and all of the applications have been turned in, resulting in 19 different students...
It was a picturesque morning in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The city was already buzzing, and the beaming light of the morning sun weaved its way through skyscrapers on the horizon. Sitting in the path of the...
High school can be considered an, “American Dream”, a dream that can affect every student. Most look forward to it and some are terrified. But, with time a student is given individual memories and...
On October 8th, Erie High School is holding their annual homecoming dance. The theme is ‘Red Carpet Ready’ and the students are more than excited.
Stugo, or Student Government, has worked incredibly...
On Wednesday, February 16th, Erie High held the first of the student class president debates this year. Freshman gathered in the auditorium to listen to the candidates for Sophomore class president. This...
From 7:45 am to 2:45 pm at Erie Highschool, hundreds of shoes walk down the packed halls and classrooms, filling the air with loud chatter and laughter. Athletes, writers, entrepreneurs, and more fill...
Izzy Hageman is a popular name at Erie High School as she is the student body president and cheer captain. Apart from all her great achievements, what has made Hageman’s high school experience so grand?