Dario Hinojosa: Vote for Big-D

Dario Hinojosa, candidate running for Student Body President.


Dario Hinojosa

Madison Hays, Editor-in-Chief

Erie High School’s current Student Body Vice President, Dario Hinojosa, takes the stage this spring election as a candidate for the upcoming 2021-2022 Student Body President.

Hinojosa is a junior who participates in Varsity soccer, musical theater, CR5 choir, student government and is a volunteer at Eldorado State Park. He is currently upholding his third year of commitment in Erie High School’s student government. Freshman year, he was a representative, Sophomore year he took on the role of class president, and is the present Vice President.

“I have many years of experience being in positions of leadership through student government,” Hinojosa continues, “This year was a bit more difficult with the pandemic, but there is the possibility that next year is also a pandemic year. I am already aware of the obstacles that will create and I know how to work around them.”

There has always been a passion for student government in Hinojosa’s life. He went to a bilingual school called Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer, which was very community-oriented and is where he found a passion for volunteering as he went back and helped build a school garden years later.

“The school gave me the right foundation and showed me how rewarding and fun it was being part of the community. Which if elected President, I would take that position of power to make a difference and strive to better the community.” Hinojosa explained.

This upcoming year, Hinojosa’s goals, if elected, is to make all of the school events as big, energetic, and fun as possible and have an increase in school spirit. He plans to use his experience and things he has learned over the past few years to execute his goals.

One of the many campaign posters in the hallway.

“I know how to articulate my ideas and thoughts, I have good communication skills, a good relationship with the administration, and am not afraid to speak out. I like things done correctly and efficiently and am a little bit of a perfectionist,” Hinojosa commented.

Hinojosa plans to support each and every club, department, or event that Erie has through advertising both on social media and showing up to the events he can to show his support.

“I would like to focus on supporting not only sports that happen at Erie but also departments that are often forgotten like theater and choir.” Hinojosa continues, “If anyone was to come up to me with an event happening that they would like advertisements on, I would want to help, be 100 percent ready to help, and will bring energy into doing it.”

Time management is hard for anyone who is in multiple extracurricular activities. However, Hinojosa knows it is possible to give the time that is needed to student government while staying committed to other passions and activities.

Hinojosa commented, “Jack Laychak, two years ago showed me that it is possible to be in theater performances, doing tech week, and still have the time and energy to focus on the student body as president.”

If elected, Hinojosa plans to continue Erie High’s traditions while giving energy to new ideas to make the upcoming year the best possible regardless of the situation.

Harrison Hoback, a member of the campaign team stated, “Dario is a very likable person, someone that is friendly to everyone.”

Hinojosa uses the Instagram handle, @Dario4Prez to keep his peers updated on his election campaign. When votes are being casted, Big-D will be on the ballot with hopes to fill the role of Student Body President this upcoming year.