Midterms Already?

7 Tips to help you stress less about your midterms.


Morgan Walje, Photographer & Staff Writer

Have you even thought about your upcoming midterms? Doesn’t it seem like school just started? We are almost halfway through semester 1, hints unit Tests and Midterm Projects.  Like most students, have you been struggling to stay focused in class? Or slacking on turning your homework in? Here is a few tips to keep in mind during your semester 1 midterms when most grades begin to drop.  

Tip one: attend your classes. This time of year everyone gets tired and starts to ditch a few classes now and then. It’s also fall season and colds are making their way through school. Attendance doesn’t seem that important now but it adds up when you have missing work and fall behind in unit lessons.  

Tip two: pay attention in class. It seems like something that you would hear from your parents and especially from your teachers. But it’s as simple as if you pay attention in class you won’t have to do extra studying and/or unlikely to misunderstand the lesson you have been taught. Making class assignments and homework 10 times easier.

Tip three: keep up on class assignments and homework. Just get it over with and turned in. Procrastination only sets us back along with missing work. Isn’t half credit better than no credit? Doing missing work will not only raise your grade but will give you the extra practice you need from the lesson material learned in class.

Tip four: if you don’t understand find some help and talk to your teachers. Most of your teachers are happy to help. Even if your behind they would appreciate you getting ahead or at least catching up. It’s better to do it now then to do it later. It could benefit you more on your midterms then when you’re trying for a passing grade at the end of the semester.  

Tip 5: find the best way to study for you. Whether that be in friend groups or as an individual. There are many ways to study. So take notes get highlighters and check Schoology for resources. Just remember to take frequent breaks and split up your study time so you’re not studying for hours on end.  

Tip 6: find time to do something other than study for your midterms and focus on school. Even though you might think that you are running out of time and all you can do is School but it might be more beneficial to take a break and exercise or read or even spend a little time with friends.  

Tip 7: give a hundred percent effort. You may think that is impossible but in the end you will thank yourself because the work you put in is what you will get out. Good luck on those midterms and I hope these tips were useful!