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Stories You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

Tiger Times

Stories You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

Tiger Times

May 22, 2024

Allie Toothaker: A Singer Going Places


Adele, Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, just a few of the most talented female singers in the world, but one up and coming singer could come from Erie, Colorado. Senior, Allie Toothaker, an talented singer that has big things in her future.


Singing is not new to Toothaker, nor has it ever been. “I’ve been singing my entire life, I can’t think of a time I wasn’t singing” Toothaker remarks. However, it was in middle school when she began to take singing more seriously. Driven by her Erie middle school choir teacher, Abby Martinez, Toothaker was able to find a love for singing, as well as success. 


In seventh and eighth grade, middle school choir students are allowed to audition for honor choir and all-state choir, both fairly selective processes. Toothaker was selected for both these choirs in middle school which increased her enjoyment in singing.


Choir teacher at Erie High School, Thalia Burd, has taught Toothaker since her freshman year. “Allie always strives for excellence and self improvement.” Burd remarks. Toothaker has been incredibly successful in the high school choir, as she has been selected for all state choir two years in a row, as well as being selected for all state jazz choir. These are huge accomplishments for the singer, but Toothaker does not let this go to her head, “She is really humble despite how talented she is,”adds Ms. Burd.


Though Toothaker has a natural talent for singing, she has worked outstandingly hard to get to where she is today. She has singing lessons once a week that she has been attending for around a year now. Toothaker also sings on a daily basis, preparing for upcoming projects, auditions, or performances.


Toothaker’s friends and peers recognize how much she puts into singing to achieve her success. Fellow choir student, Ella Valania, mentions, “[Allie] is one of the hardest workers ever and everyday she gets better and better”.


One thing that still challenges Toothaker despite having tons of performing experience under her belt is nerves. Not unlike other performers, Toothaker holds herself to a high standard because she knows she can perform at that level. However, sometimes the standard put forth by herself can be hard to achieve, which is why Toothaker tries to prioritize staying calm, especially before large performances.


For Toothaker, singing is more than just learning songs, but something that she truly enjoys and is an outlet for her. Toothaker mentions, “Singing is always something I can use to help me be less stressed or just relax after a day of school”.

One of the most striking things about Toothaker is her passion for music. This is made clear as one of her biggest goals is to be able to live off singing and be able to do it for the rest of her life. However it’s not only about the money, Toothaker’s true inspiration for singing in the future comes from how she can impact people through her voice. “[I know] music can have an impact on people and I would love to be the person to make people feel something.”


Singing has opened up many doors for Toothaker, such as new friends and exciting opportunities. Toothaker flew out to Hollywood a couple weeks ago to compete on American Idol. She is unable to talk about anything in regards to the show or how it went at this time but she was super excited for the opportunity.


Toothaker encourages young singers to, “always try for absolutely any opportunity that comes your way… you never know where any of this could take you so you might as well try!” Allie Toothaker is already an accomplished singer and with many more opportunities sure to come her way, this is only the beginning for the talented singer.

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About the Contributor
Kendall Wachowiak
Kendall Wachowiak, Staff Writer
Kendall is a senior at Erie High School and a writer for the Tiger Times. She plays tennis for the high school and is a two time regional champion. At school she is apart of Students Demand Action, Model United Nations, and has helped out with the freshman Jumpstart Program and has been a Link Leader. Kendall is super excited to join the Tiger Times.

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