In a season marked by upheaval and uncertainty, the Erie Tigers boys tennis team has emerged as a surprising contender for a spot in the 5A state tournament. The Tigers, who are no strangers to the challenges...
It was a picturesque morning in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The city was already buzzing, and the beaming light of the morning sun weaved its way through skyscrapers on the horizon. Sitting in the path of the...
On the warm evening of September 19, 2022, the annual Briggs Street Bash swung into full action from 6-9pm, with people buzzing around the streets of downtown Erie playing fun games and eating good food.
Brendan Murphy, Senior Staff Writer
• September 29, 2020
Erie coaches have been challenged this year with the new 2020 fall sports season. The season has forced these coaches to be quick on their feet and adapt to the new expectations and restrictions.