Tigers are Using These Strategies to Ace Their Fall Midterms

Biology notes

Kendall Wachowiak, Staff Writer

As students study and cram before their big exam, they are creating flashcards and planning out when they will study. Erie High School students have been working hard the past couple of weeks to prepare for their midterms.

One of the more useful tools a student can use and create  are flashcards. You learn the definitions as you make them, as well as can use them to help quiz yourself later.

Flashcards can be useful for studying

According to freshman Brock Hillary, “Flashcards are something that has worked really well for me when I study for midterms like biology.”

Senior, Claire Watson, says, “I think the best midterm advice that I’ve ever gotten was to just make sure that you study comprehensively. As the quarter goes on, make sure that you’re studying a little bit throughout, instead of just trying to cram everything in right before your test.”

Another important strategy is to plan out your studying. Create a schedule for yourself that has when you’ll study, what you are going to cover, and the specific topics you really need to focus on.

“I set specific times during the day that I knew I could study and I would study. I had timers and checklists on my phone,” says freshman Caroline Campbell, “So once that time came, I did all of the review work that I could for those classes and stuck to the schedule.”

One of the biggest mistakes made during midterms is overstudying, trying to cram as much information into your mind as possible.

“Freshman year, I didn’t really pay attention to what to study and I studied way more than I needed to, and that distracted me.” Senior, Mia Weber, reports.

The versatility of online school gives students a chance to study during the asynchronous time, and, when using that time wisely, they can help students perform exceptionally well on their midterms.

With fall midterms coming to a close, people are finding different ways to prepare for their exams and be successful.

There is no “one size fits all” studying technique. Everyone is different, we learn differently, understand in different ways, so whatever works for you!