Join Us for Math Tutoring on Wednesdays

Emma Sanders, Managing Editor

Struggling in a math class? Need to retake a test? Have a calculator question? Tutoring is the place for you! Math tutoring is held every Wednesday from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. in the Tiger’s Den and offers a wide variety of resources and help.

Math tutoring is for all students taking any math class offered at Erie High School, including honors and AP courses. Math tutoring can also be helpful with engineering homework or any math related questions, regardless of the class. 

Math tutoring is a great place to get help with homework and receive personal assistance that may not be available to students during class. Because math tutoring is a much smaller group of individuals and has multiple teachers specializing in different types of math available, “[the teachers] are able to really spend time with the students working through examples and answering any questions they might have,” said math teacher Jeanine Sturgeon.

Peer tutors from Link Crew and NHS are also available at math tutoring. Contact Greta vonBernuth at [email protected] for more information about becoming a peer tutor!

Not only is math tutoring an excellent place to work on homework and ask questions, but it is also a great time to retake tests or pick up math assignments you may have missed. Math tutoring is a “quiet, studious space for students to study and focus on their work,” Sturgeon added.

Attending math tutoring is especially beneficial in the weeks leading up to midterms and finals week, during which special review sessions are held. This allows teachers to give in depth recaps of the semester’s chapters and affords students the opportunity to focus on specific units with which they may be struggling. Focused review sessions are also held at math tutoring in the weeks before AP exam, so if you have any AP math exams or difficult finals next semester, keep an eye for math tutoring!

Math tutoring is held every Wednesday in the Tiger’s Den from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. and is a great place to ask questions, retake tests, complete homework and more! If you want to get some extra help in math, join us on Wednesdays!