Take a Trip to Yellowstone National Park

Madison Hays, Layout Editior


   Yellowstone national park is a park with history, education, and fun sights for everyone. The 3,500 square mile park has much to offer, as it is also an 11,000 year old park. This on-top of a volcano attraction borders three states, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.

Wildlife Facts:

With Yellowstone National Park protecting their wildlife, there is a higher probability of getting to see the endangered or unique animals. This national park has over 300 species of birds, and 67 different mammals. This is a list of the sighting hopes during the Yellowstone trip as well as the recommended places and times for sightings.

  • Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears as of 2016 estimated 690 bears.  Even though Grizzly Bears roam, most sightings are at the Hayden and Lamar Valleys. Grizzly Bears are also seen on the North Slopes of Mt. Washburn, and the East entrance of Fishing Bridge. Bears are usually are out at dawn and dusk.
  • Wolves were brought back into the park in 1995, and has an estimated 99 wolves. The best time to spot wolves is at the Northern range of yellowstone, at dawn or dusk.
  • Bison has an overflowing population of  4,816 recorded in 2017. Bison also roam Yellowstone, as sightings happen on the side of roads. These mammals are also seen in the Hayden and Lamar Valley year round, grasslands in the summer, and thermal areas in the winter.
  • Moose are the largest in the deer family at Yellowstone National Park, there are fewer than 200 which makes this a rare sighting. The recommended spotting area is in greenlands such as marshy areas of meadows.  
  • Mountain Goats have a population of 208 located in the park. These mammals are spotted in the alpine habitat on the Northeastern and Northwestern portions of the park habitat.

Main Attractions:

Yellowstone gives a wide variety of things to see and do. With only a few days to enjoy this gem, it is hard to know that your seeing the best of Yellowstone. These are the main attractions and most common sights to see.

Old Faithful Geyser

This cone Geyser explodes up 106 feet to 185 feet. The Old Faithful Geyser is also the most predictable geyser there is in Yellowstone, as it erupts about every hour. This creates a show that typically lasts three to ten minutes.

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and Upper Yellowstone Falls

This Canyon marks the Yellowstone River. This canyon is around 10,000 to 14,000 years old. The river is started with a waterfall. The Yellowstone River is 692 miles long. This waterfall is located in Wyoming.

Old Faithful Geyser

This prismatic spring is the third largest hot spring in the world, making it the largest hot spring in the United States. This hot spring is deeper than a ten story building.

Grand Prismatic Spring

The wide variety of activities Yellowstone offers creates an astonishing amount of visitors in Yellowstone National Park. The nature and main attractions makes Yellowstone an extremely popular park.

Information is found on https://www.nationalparks.org/explore-parks/yellowstone-national-park?gclid=CjwKCAiAhfzSBRBTEiwAN-ysWEaXscve76cEj65fiMLdeFPp7D1kCCgD-apw9dfj0enzDK5OF81GlBoCiR4QAvD_BwE.

Here is a simple map of the main Yellowstone roads and sights to see. Each area displays a new experience and different part of Yellowstone. (Image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NPS_yellowstone-lodging-map.gif also shown on Park History Tab at the bottom above this photo)