How to Live a Happy Lifestyle

There are many things that people desire. One of the most important things people desire is to be happy. Even though this desire can sometimes feel like it can never be achieved, there is ways to get a gold star in life

Hannah Goldman and Hannah Goldman

There are many things that people desire. One of the most important things people desire is to be happy. Even though this desire can sometimes feel like it can never be achieved, there is ways to get a gold star in life.

The most important thing for a happy lifestyle is to do what you love. If you enjoy playing tennis, reading, writing poems, knitting, fishing, listening to music, acting, singing, or anything else, you should continue to do this. No matter what other people say, you should do what you love because it makes you happy. In some countries, many people are happy because they do what they love. When people are surrounded by other happy people, it continues to be passed off and the mood is shared.

Hannah Goldman
Amy Norris lives a happy lifestyle by doing what she loves, walking her dog.

Even though many people dread this, eating vegetables can make you happier. According to, a study in Australia proved this. The study tracked the diet of people who used to eat almost no fruits and vegetables. The result of this diet change was a life satisfaction to the same level of getting a new job after being unemployed. Eating vegetables is a very fast way to achieve happiness.

Helping others is another way to live a happy lifestyle. Even though this method does not directly benefit yourself, unselfishness and helping others is an indirect way to feel happy. By helping others,  you can see them happy, which can make you happy. Reflecting on yourself is an amazing way to see how you are doing and reflect yourself.

Interacting with other people is another great way to live a happy lifestyle. People who have one or more close friendships appear to be happier. Part of interacting with other people includes sharing your feelings with others. Sharing your feelings with others is an amazing stress and anxiety reliever.

Exercising is one of the best ways to live a happy lifestyle. Physical activity releases a chemical called endorphins, which makes you happy. Plato once said, “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”

Gratitude is another way to live a happy lifestyle. People who are grateful for what they have have a more positive outlook on life. In addition, grateful people have less stress and are less likely to experience depression.

In addition, you can achieve a happy lifestyle by setting goals for yourself. If you have a set goal, you have something you love to do and work hard for. Setting goals also benefits you in other ways. It leads to increased positive affect, performance, and commitment to long-term, meaningful goals.

Even though sometimes it can seem impossible to achieve a happy lifestyle, it is not very hard. By doing these few simple things, you can achieve a happier lifestyle.