Erie Ice Rink is returning for another year on Briggs Street in downtown Erie, bringing excitement and adventure. This is Erie Ice Rink’s second year holding this fun family-friend holiday tradition for many in this location. The Erie community comes together and skates, chats, and bonds at the Erie Ice Rink. Open Tuesday and Thursday 5-7:45 pm, Friday 5-9 pm, Saturday and Sunday 11 am-1 pm and open up again 5-9 pm. Your favorite holiday family-friend activity just opened and closes February 17.
Karina Woldarczak, the assistant coordinator, discussed, “last year was very successful. We had over 3000 participants” The rink’s popularity among residents, including adults and children, displays how much fun this rink offers everyone in the Erie Community.
Knowing this is Erie Ice Rink’s second year at this location brings more comfort that it will be better and more manageable not only for families but for the staff as well. With this rink and location being held for 1 year uprises some concern for safety and communication between staff.
“This year we’ve pretty much, I’d say, as of now, fixed a lot of the problems we had last year with regards to the ice, the ice pipes are way better. Communication with the staff is way better. Just everything has gotten definitely a lot smoother and just easier within the last year. We definitely learned a lot, I think from last year.” emphasized the manager on duty, Antonio Dawson. This pushes away the worries and welcomes the excitement for not just the community but for the rink’s staff to be hosting yet another year of holiday fun.
Woldarcak expresses, “I’m super excited. I love the ice rink. I love that the town of Erie residents have this opportunity to come here and use our ice rink and just bring kids, bring family and just enjoy all the fun”.
Not only is the opening of the rink for this season just for the fun of the community but also brings a sense of well-doing for the staff, knowing they are holding an opportunity for family and friends to come together during the holiday season. As the rink brings families together, it also is an opportunity for the staff to work in an environment that they enjoy.
Dawson voices, “I am a big hockey fan. I love ice, I love the winter time, ice skating, all of that… I just love working at an ice rink. It’s one of the coolest jobs I’ve ever had. Honestly”. The rink brings together the staff and builds their own community to bring the whole Erie community together even more.
So bring your coats, gloves, scarfs, friends, family and get ready to fall, laugh, but most importantly enjoy the holiday season with the activity ice skating. Bringing the Erie community together and stronger, builds a powerful community and many bonds you never knew existed.