Behind a Campus Supervisor

Dylan Firebaugh, Staff Writer

With some amazing staff here at Erie High School, our campus security officers are some of the most important staff members here at Erie.

Our campus security officers consist of Kenny Ailey, Ricky Martinez, and Molly Irwin is retiring from being a campus security officer at Erie to become a private investigator.

Molly, has been working as an Erie campus security officer for fifteen years. Mrs. Molly first joined Erie when there were about six hundred and thirty students.

“ I’ve been here fifteen years, and when I started there were six hundred and thirty students, now seventeen hundred and thirty.”

With Molly’s retirement, she will be missed not only by her coworkers but by students as well. One of Molly’s most recent coworkers Ricky Martinez, mostly known as Ricky, will miss Molly’s presence at Erie.

“Her humor definitely is gonna be missed, she has a unique way of going about her business, on a day-to-day basis, it’s definitely gonna be a hole in our campus supervisor team. But I think she’s left a lot of information for us to grow upon.”

Molly will truly be missed by students and staff. But along with Mrs. Molly retiring and going to become a private investigator, Ricky and Kenny will both be returning for the next school year.

Ricky is a fairly new staff member to Erie only being here for about a year and two months. Ricky and Molly are in somewhat of the same boat with being involved with the student body, where almost every student knows them and likes or appreciates them for their kindness.

With the end of the twenty twenty-two to twenty twenty-three school year a few days from ending, it’s the best time of year with summer just around the corner for both students and staff. Both Ricky and Molly’s favorite part of the year is the end.

“The end of the year is pretty nice, just because of all the things going on with graduation and also the end-of-year festivities that go on. But also the entire school year is a good experience.”

“That’s a hard one, ’cause I have so many but I think the best thing is just probably the graduation time for each of my kids watching them go from ninth grade to a senior and them growing and going onto the next chapter in their lives.

Joining Ricky next school year is one of Erie’s longest-working staff members Kenny. But before working at Erie High School Kenny was in the military and also participated in other jobs before taking on security jobs.

“I did some commercial kitchen repair after I got out of the Navy but I spent twenty years In the military. I also worked on air conditioning and refrigeration and small appliances for a bit.”

But to get a better understanding of what Kenny did during his time both in the Navy and here at Erie, he talks about the craziest thing he’s ever seen.

“The craziest thing here would probably be when Officer Thone and I dealt with a homeless man and he was looking for Starbucks.”

“The craziest thing that happened in the Navy was working off the coast of Ecuador with the coast guard and we had a two-ton cocaine bust and watched the guys set the boat and themselves on fire.”

But most importantly each of these people is not just campus security officers who help with almost all the school events but people with their own personal interests and what makes them unique. And what they’ll do in the future within their community.