How do the new 9.7 inch iPads stack up to the older iPad Mini 2?


Tanner David, Staff Writer

There is a new iPad in town, the iPad 9.7, which was distributed by SVVSD to students and staff for the 2018-2019 school year. The iPad Mini 2 is fitted with a 32-bit A7, a CPU (central processing unit) from 2013, compared to the styling 64-bit A10 Fusion released in 2016. This major component is not one of the only dominating factors of the newest generation of iPads. Another new feature is the support of the Apple Pencil on the 9.7 compared to the iPad Mini 2 which does not support the Apple Pencil (Bluetooth connected, pressure sensitive stylus). The screen is another significant win for the 9.7, boasting a 9.7-inch display while the iPad Minis possess a 7.9-inch screen display. The specs between these two devices are a landslide with the current version taking the spotlight.

On front is the iPad Mini 2 and the heftier iPad 9.7 sits behind it. The iPad 9.7’s display almost has the same height and width as the entire iPad Mini 2. Photo by Tanner David

A few students were surveyed on their general opinions on the iPads themselves being used as a learning tool. The common opinion seemed to be that the iPads help in the learning process by helping counter cheating, and in turn cause students to learn the actual school material. Others say that the new iPads are easier to type on, giving a valid option for students to write essays. One student commented that the implementation of the iPad “improves how teachers handout work and notes. You really can not lose your work because it is all online.” With screen displays being significantly larger on the new iPads, students are able to take much cleaner and compact notes. And with larger screens comes larger and longer lasting batteries, which aids students to use the iPad for extended periods of time without fear of constantly needing a charger. Erie High School students have expressed gratitude for the inclusion of Touch ID, in which the password can be bypassed by the user’s fingerprint.


A much clearer set of notes due to the iPad 9.7’s superior display. Photo by Tanner David
Although the notes are still somewhat neat they are much more of a hassle and take up more of the display causing notes to be way too much more than they already are. Photo by Tanner David

While the iPads have brought some distractions to the classroom, such as the ability to play the overwhelmingly popular game Fortnite during class time, this drawback has been resolved by the District Technical Service by blocking the access to Epic Games servers while connected to the school Wi-Fi. These pieces of hardware have definitely nourished students in an education setting. With the addition of an Apple Pencil, you can go paperless and have your iPad as your sole “notebook” for the school year and stay organized with a quick search function in the district provided app Notability. These new iPads are definitely a welcomed addition to the tools available to district students. In which students can now rely on the iPad for an educational advantage. The St. Vrain Valley School District is really storming for success.